Local Goods & Services
From support groups and birth centers to classes and diaper service, you’ll find a ton of resources here. Check back to see new listings.
Retail & Goods
Little Bird Kids Consignment & Gifts
Little Bird Kids Consignment & Gifts is a locally owned and operated retail kids and maternity consignment store with a mission to offer the local community an enriching, eco-friendly, and affordable way to dress their children.
2538 E. Main Street
Ventura, Ca. 93003
(805) 667-8232
Freecycle’s mission is “to build a worldwide sharing movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources & eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.”
Cloth Diapering
Luludew Cloth Diaper Service
Luludew is a cloth diaper laundering service delivering organic cloth diapers to your doorstep on a weekly basis.
(323) 225-5858
Birth Care Providers
Dawn Dana of Daraluz Midwifery is a licensed homebirth midwife who has attended more than 800 births. She serves Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and often works alongside Mary Jackson (below), another highly experienced local homebirth midwife.
(805) 407-7802
Dr. Stuart Fischbein
Home-birth physician based in Los Angeles who has supported midwives for decades, and continues the age-old service of attending women for prenatal and postpartum needs at home in Southern California. He travels to support midwives and families as far south as San Diego county and as far north as Santa Barbara county. Contact Dr. Stu at (310) 282-8613 (ask for Krissy) or via the contact page on his website.
Mary Jackson Midwifery
Mary Jackson Midwifery is located in the Ojai Valley of Ventura County, California, and offers unique homebirth midwifery services from south of Ventura to north of Santa Barbara and international educational opportunities from the pre- and perinatal psychology perspective. Contact Mary at (805) 649-3063 or via the contact page on her website.
Santa Paula Hospital
Santa Paula Hospital has added Certified Nurse-Midwives to their OB/GYN staff. In addition to a full scope midwifery service, Santa Paula Hospital is remodeling their Labor and Delivery unit to include a Birth Center Suite with a labor tub, nitrous oxide and a large queen bed as options for women and families who are seeking those experiences. The Birth Center will bring a true Midwifery Care option. To get more information or schedule an appointment, call (805) 525-0215.
Karni Seymour-Brown, LM, is one of the first legally licensed midwives in California and has devoted 30 years of her life to helping women embrace the innate power of birth through compassionate one-on-one care. For information on midwife or doula services, call (805) 648-2350.
The midwives at the Ventura Birth Center provide a full spectrum of care, from conception through postpartum, offering well-woman/annual exams and support for giving birth at the birth center or at home.
Contact: Sue Turner
(805) 667-2229
Postpartum Doulas & Mother’s Helpers
Jenny Foss
Jenny is a Family Support Provider, child development instructor, child/family advocate, and mother of two. Her mission is “to offer unconditional postpartum support during this critical and special time dedicated to your graceful transition into parenthood.” Services include newborn assistance, parent assistance, household/transportation assistance, and loving support. For more information, call (818) 687-6851 or email vcmothershelper@gmail.com.
Pamm has been serving Ventura county and its surrounding areas as a doula, educator, and group leader for many years. She currently specializes in infant massage and building communities within which postpartum families can thrive. For more information, call (805) 258-9225 or email doulapamm@gmail.com.
Breastfeeding Support
Diane Berger
Diane Berger, RN, PHN, is professional lactation counselor with an extensive background in maternal-child health, Diane provides loving in-home breastfeeding support and education for mothers and babies. Contact Diane at (805) 654-1463.
CMH New Parent Resource Center
Provides free lactation support services to those who delivered their babies at CMH. Classes and breastfeeding supplies offered as well.
2580 E. Main St., Suite 101
(805) 948-BABY (2229)
La Leche League of Ventura County
La Leche League of Ventura offers group meetings across Ventura County. Meetings are in a discussion format (not a lecture or a class), and breastfeeding parents are encouraged to use their own experience to help and support each other. For meeting dates and locations, contact your branch below:
LLL of Camarillo
Contact leader: Natalie
(805) 484-2648
LLL of Thousand Oaks
Contact leader: Nerissa
(805) 496-3867
LLL of Ventura
Contact leader: Cindy
(805) 312-3245
Ojai Breastfeeding Helpline via Secure Beginnings
For information and assistance, call (805) 646-7559.
Recreation & Classes
A fun, clean, and safe environment for children and adults to play, relax, and socialize. A great space to host your child’s next birthday party.
4535 McGrath Street, Ventura
(805) 639-0414
Stroller Strides® is “a functional, total-body conditioning workout designed for moms with kids in tow. Each 60-minute workout is comprised of strength training, cardio and core restoration, all while entertaining little ones with songs, activities and fun! Each Stroller Strides instructor is skilled to meet you where you are mentally and physically. You’ll leave class feeling connected, successful and energized! No more mama guilt! This class is all about self care in a supportive and encouraging environment.”
Ventura contact: Jessica
(805) 216-5214
KinderMusik with Katie Shinden
KinderMusik Village offers a “sensory-rich yet caring environment where infants can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, objects and movements.” KinderMusik also offers classes for kids up to 10 years old. For more information, call (805) 377-6663.
A children’s fitness center that offers structured classes for little ones from 6 weeks of age to 13 years old.
4255 E. Main St. Suite 1, Ventura
(805) 644-4600
Pump It Up: The Inflatable Party Zone
Private indoor arenas are filled with gigantic inflatable bounce houses, slides, a jousting arena, a basketball court, and more.
5120 Ralston St., Ventura
(805) 339-9669
Ventura Family YMCA offers swim lessons, camps, family activities, childcare, and more.
3760 Telegraph Road, Ventura
805) 642-2131
Ventura Wild brings children and families into local wild places as a way to rekindle a deep sense of belonging and connection to the natural world. The group strives to provide space and time for each child’s unique gifts and interests to blossom through shared adventure, skill development, and play. For more information, call (805) 310-1461.
Local Groups
By working with parents, school districts, community leaders, social services, and healthcare agencies, First 5 Ventura County helps to design and fund a network of essential services for young children and their families. Contact your local resource guide for more detailed information about current programs and offerings.
Dedicated to nurturing children pre-birth to 3, through inspiring partnerships and community resources that address pre- and post-natal wellbeing, infant/toddler development, and parent education and support. Facilitators provide classes, support groups, consultations, in-home services and a support care-line.
Oak View Park and Resource Center
555 Mahoney Avenue, Room 2, Oak View
(805) 646-7559
Ventura County Mothers of Multiples (VCMOM)
A fee-based non-profit organization that offers support for parents of twins or higher order multiples based in Ventura County.
Postpartum Mental Health & Wellness
BEBA (Building and Enhancing Bonding and Attachment) supports families to resolve prenatal, birth, and other early trauma, both physical and emotional, while facilitating the development of compassionate relationships, the healthy growth of children, and effective parenting. By appointment only.
Ojai location: 945 Oso Road
Montecito location: 265 Bonnie Lane
(805) 218-2128
Birth In Connection – Mary Jackson, Midwife
In her family and individual sessions called CHOICES, Mary supports individuals, parents, and children to integrate past events and early imprints that were challenging, so that they have more choice in difficult situations and can respond to them rather than react to their triggering effect. CHOICES is an approach that Mary developed blending her own research and key somatic, attachment, and pre- and perinatal psychology learnings and techniques.
Contact Mary at (805) 649-3063 or via the contact page on her website.
Laura Connell, LMFT, specializes in prenatal and postpartum mental health as well as integrating and healing grief from miscarriage, neonatal loss, and infertility.
(805) 570-0636 (call or text)
Maternal Mental Health Coalition of Ventura County
The mission of MMHCVC is to promote the health and wellness of Ventura County mothers and babies by closing gaps in maternal mental healthcare. MMHCVC was established in 2017 as a non-profit, volunteer, public and private network dedicated to promoting maternal mental health and wellness through education, advocacy, assessment, treatment, and training. Their website hosts a wealth of information in regard to postpartum wellness and local resources, including local support groups.
(805) 824-1119
Postpartum Support International
Postpartum Support International is dedicated to helping women suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, including postpartum depression, the most common complication of childbirth. They also work to educate family, friends and healthcare providers so that moms and moms-to-be can get the support they need and recover. You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well.
PSI Helpline: (800) 944-4773
Support by text: (503) 894-9453
Joyce Weckl
Joyce Weckl, MSN, CNM, PMHNP, provides medication management for psychiatric disorders for school age children through adults. After practicing for many years as a nurse midwife, Joyce retired from midwifery to provide psychiatric services. She brings a unique understanding to women’s health and mental health. She maintains board certification in both nurse midwifery and psychiatry. She accepts Anthem, Cigna, Aetna, United/Optum and Ventura County Health Care Plan insurances.
3585 Maple Street, Suite 205, Ventura
(805) 654-0926
VBAC Support
The International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN)
ICAN of Santa Barbara is a chapter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Call or check online for the meeting schedule.
(800) 686-ICAN (4226), ext. 276